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  • Future Visions: Original Science Fiction Stories Inspired by Microsoft

    Exciting update on a project I’ve been working on this year! I’ve contributed a story to an upcoming anthology of sci fi based on real life technology! The collection is called Future Visions:…

  • Come see me at Topatocon!

    Forgot to upload my SPX announcement, whoops! But it went great as always, with O Human Star nominated for an Ignatz Award as Outstanding Online Comic. Now I’m off to my first New…

  • Come see me at the Decatur Book Festival!

    Atlantans and Decaturites! Come stop by the Decatur Book Festival in the downtown Decatur area on Labor Day weekend and you’ll get to see me sharing a table with local cartoonist and…

  • Come see me at Autoptic!

    It’s time for another convention, this one local! I’ll be at table 84 at Autoptic, held in the Aria building in downtown Minneapolis this upcoming weekend. I’m so excited to see fellow…